When Life Gave Them Lemons, They Made Lemonade to Help Pay For Dog’s Recovery

In Orlando, the tale of Stevie, a beloved Golden Retriever, unfolds. It’s a narrative that starts with sorrow, as Stevie faces a life-threatening situation. Yet, the climax is heartwarming, thanks to the compassionate children of the neighborhood.

Stevie, the cherished pet of the Serrano family, has a special bond with them. Marisol Serrano, Stevie’s owner, often remarks how intuitive Stevie is, sensing when someone in the family is upset and providing solace in her unique canine way. “She’s incredibly intelligent, always listens, and is just so endearing,” Marisol shared.

However, tragedy struck one day in mid-September. As Marisol’s daughter returned from her job, Stevie, in her excitement, dashed out of the house. In a horrifying turn of events, a motorcyclist struck Stevie and sped away without a second glance. The impact left Stevie with a damaged lung and broken ribs. Marisol’s daughter, in shock, recalled, “I called out to Stevie, and she tried to stand but just fell. I shouted at the motorcyclist, ‘You’ve hurt my dog!’” After a tense six days in the ICU and a successful surgery, Stevie began her slow road to recovery.

In the backdrop of this incident, the local children, who adored Stevie, decided to take action. Spearheaded by a young boy named Jules, they set up a modern-day lemonade stand, complete with a QR code for digital donations. To tug at the heartstrings of potential donors, they showcased pictures of Stevie in her favorite bandannas. Rylee, another child from the neighborhood, mentioned how a generous neighbor, known for his love for dogs, donated $50. “People were drawn to donate mainly because of their love for Stevie,” Rylee added.

The culmination of their efforts was a touching moment when they handed over an envelope containing $403 to Marisol. Overwhelmed with emotion, Marisol confessed, “I was moved to tears when they handed me the envelope.”

As for Stevie’s current condition? She’s on a regimen of multiple medications. However, with each passing day, she’s showing signs of improvement, all thanks to the unwavering support of her young champions.

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