Unloved Dog Crawls Under Their Gate ‘Asking For A Home’, But Wife Won’t Give In

Dogs are left alone for a variety of reasons. Typically, they are misplaced and we do all possible to reconnect them with their families. A dog showed up at a family’s home determined to get inside one day. To say “hello,” she curled beneath their backyard gate.

The husband thought she was quite adorable. She had a collar on but it was in bad shape. The wife wasn’t a fan of the dog and wanted her to leave. She would take her own dogs inside, afraid the strange dog would bite them. But the dog didn’t have a mean or aggressive bone in her body!

The husband and wife determined she was most likely the pet of someone in the community or a neighboring village. When she would pass by, the husband would welcome her again, but his wife would become furious. She believed herself to be an annoyance.

The husband suggested they write a note to her owner and attach a camera to her so they could track her movements. That’s when a heartbreaking scenario occurred. When they reviewed the footage, they noticed that wherever the lovely dog went, she was rejected. Some of the neighbors shouted at her to leave their property. It was horrible. All this wonderful dog wanted was to be loved in return.

The couple asked their vet to come and see if she was healthy and if he had any advice. He came over and examined the dog. He was certain she belonged to someone because she was so well-behaved and friendly.

He tells the couple that this dog is used to being pet and shown love and that is why she is so loving in return. She crawls under their gate every day with a smile on her face. How could anyone deny her?

Finally, the wife has a change of heart. She was sorry for the dog after watching the film of everyone shooing her away and hearing what the veterinarian had to say. She agrees with her spouse that they can keep and care for the dog until her owner is located. If her owner isn’t discovered, they’ll adopt her properly if necessary.

We are ecstatic she changed her mind since the wife was difficult at first. You can watch the video below. It has some silly music and graphics but there is an important underlying message: never assume anything. Love first, ask questions later!

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