Dog Sprints To Find Help After Owner Falls 70 Feet And Breaks Bones

Caution while walking alone is crucial, but sometimes, it’s difficult to find an injured person even if they have a way to call for help. Luckily, hiking with a loyal dog could end up saving your life.

A 53-year-old man and his Border Collie named Saul were camping in the Tahoe National Forest in California. They spent their time in a secluded area in hopes of a peaceful trip. But when Saul’s human got hurt, there were no people around to witness it. So, Saul went into “Lassie” mode to save the day.

Dog Jumps Into Action

As the human and dog duo walked around the beautiful park, the man met a precarious fate. He fell about 70 feet, breaking several rib bones and likely his hips. Somehow, the man was able to get cell service long enough to call authorities, but that alone wasn’t enough to save him.

The Nevada County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue (NCSSAR) sent 25 rescuers to the forest to locate the man. They tried to track his location at the time of the call, but they were still having trouble locating him. A few people heard a voice calling for help, but it was difficult to tell where it was coming from. Luckily, Saul knew how to handle the situation.

When Saul realized there were other people nearby, he ran toward them, leaving his owner’s side momentarily. When he met up with the rescuers, he led them all the way back to his human’s location, which ultimately saved the man’s life.

“The true credit goes to the subject’s K9 Border Collie that ran through the forest approximately 200 yards and in true ‘Lassie’ fashion to flag down two searchers,” NCSSAR wrote on Facebook.

A Real-Life “Lassie”

The man was underneath a camouflage tarp when rescuers arrived. They transported him to the hospital via helicopter, where he’s being treated for traumatic injuries, including many broken bones.

The rescue team is crediting their quick success to Saul’s actions. At first, the Border Collie had to be transported to a different location while his human received hospital care, but since then, Saul has reunited with the loved one he saved.

“Great work and skill by all involved today and for the Border Collie, he was transported back to Grass Valley and given a well-deserved dinner,” NCSSAR wrote.

Exploring off the beaten path can be thrilling, but it’s good to be cautious in the process. Make sure a loved one knows where you’re going, and pack all the essentials. Familiarize yourself with camping safety tips for dog parents to help keep both you and your furry friend safe.