89-year-old Brazilian grandmother’s sweetest birthday celebration ever involves 10 dogs

You may see what it takes to be successful in life by looking at this picture.

Recently, Maria, a kind and loving grandmother, had a birthday celebration at her house in Brazil. This celebration of her 89th birthday was quite special. Such a gathering is unimaginable to most people.

Grandma Maria has many animal companions, as you can see. At home, she has ten dogs. These dogs are all incredibly entertaining and playful.

The daughter and the daughter’s family reside with Maria, along with the pets. They do not object to these family members and view Mary as the embodiment of compassion, love, and charity.

Vitoria, Maria’s daughter, said she appreciates having so many animals in her home. They make the place lively and raucous because she enjoys giving them hugs.

Hence, it made perfect sense to plan a celebration for Maria with the attendees she wanted to see the most—along with her pets.

The dogs sat down at the table with Mary on the day of the feast. Birthday music were played, and there were dishes for both people and dogs on the table.

Because she was surrounded by so much love, grandma Maria was content. And the dogs themselves were delighted to participate in this festivity.

Grandmother Maria had the finest birthday she’d had in 89 years because everything was ideal.

And despite being 89 years old, she continues to have a deep love for animals, who in turn return her affection.